Sunday, April 8, 2007

Roulette Secrets - The Patience Of A Saint

Hi All,
Have you ever noticed someone sitting accross the table at roulette. Their eyes bulge as the wheel spin and they lose. OMG! its the same everytime, they can't control themselves, the anger builds up inside and what do they do?

They go out harder and faster the second time and blow it again. OUCH!

When I asked my rebellious roulette players what is the best advice you can give to someone out there struggling they said "patience!" patience is the key to winning. You're not going to win $1000 a spin every spin. You goal is to take your profits chip by chip. Don't try for the big hands unless you have a big bankroll.

If you have the patience of a saint (which doesnt take too much effort) you will see that consistantly winning does not become a problem. Dont try for one big hand, its not the right way to become successful. "Lots of smaller wins at the table is what is going to give you great profits" they said.

You know when you chop a tree you dont go a bull at a gate and try to take the tree down in one blow now do you. It takes a bit of time, strength, and you must chip away at the tree until it gives away or snaps and falls down.

This is exactly how you can bring in massive profits at the table inch by inch, spin by spin, chip by chip. You need a bit of patience but in the end it will pay off...literally!

Hope this helps.

Roulette Master.

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