Monday, May 14, 2007

Why People Say Roulette Sux!

One of the most common mistakes I see people do is
to go up to the cashier, cash all their money for chips,
walk really confident over to the table with their chest
out and deep breaths ready to make tons of money.
The only problem is they lump their total cash on
one number, and don't really have a game play from the
get go.
Your better off going to the local cookout and throwing
your hard earned money on the fire....seriously.
The best way to make a killing at roulette is follow a
simple well laid out plan that has been proven to be
successful for others.
Even better you could one of the top genius for their
help and strategies and ask them how they win.
Here is a good tip for you to help decrease the chance
for losing all your money in one go:-
Ask if the casino uses the "En prison" rule which
 increases a player's odds. According to the rule,
an even money bet (Red, Black, Odd, Even,
1-18, 19-36) that results in a spin of zero gets
"imprisoned". If this imprisoned bet wins on the next
spin, the original bet is released and returned to the player.
Casinos with the American roulette casino game sometimes
 use a version of the "En prison" rule called "Surrender".
With this rule in use, player placing even bets only loses
half of his bet on a spin of 0 or 00. This means even if
you are betting big and lose you still have chips to bet
Learn tons more facinating strategies that will really knock your
socks off. It doesn't have to be a emotional rollercoaster each
time you visit the casino, isn't it depressing when the
croupier throws your chips down the bin aggghhhhh!
Get the guarenteed system that works for two high rollers and
many other people throughout the globe. Strategies for playing
roulette  that will make you come home smiling and an instant
winner. GO TO:-

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